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How Long Do Dental Crowns Last? Tips to Extend Their Lifespan

Dental crowns have been used for decades as an effective solution for treating damaged teeth. They both restore the function of the tooth and make it more attractive so it matches other, healthier teeth. When yourdentist in Fort Meyers, FL puts in a dental crown, they don’t just “plop” it atop your damaged tooth. First they remove and treat the underlying damage in the tooth. This way, whatever caused the need for the dental crown in the first place, can’t return to damage not only the tooth but the dental crown.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

A dental crown that’s been properly placed should last anywhere from five to 15 years. The huge gap in lifetime is because there are other factors that can lengthen or shorten that time.

Tips to Extend Their Lifespan

If you want to maximize the length of time your dental crown is effective, follow these tips:

  1. Use a quality dentist. Invest in a good dentist, who will do a great job using quality dental crowns from a reputable lab. For qualitydental crowns in Fort Meyers, FL, visit Catlin Dental Group.
  2. Always let new dentists know you have a crown. If you’re on vacation or move to a new home, let your new dentist know you have a dental crown. They’ll be able to see it once the dental exam begins, but you’ll want to be sure so they can monitor its function and efficacy.
  3. Get underlying conditions treated. Problems like heart disease and diabetes can jeopardize the health of your teeth. Get these conditions monitored so they don’t inadvertently cause issues with your dental crown.

For more information about dental crowns, book an appointment with Catlin Dental Group today.

For more information about dental crowns, book an appointment with Catlin Dental Group today.

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