
The Importance of Routine Dental Checkups

While most of us understand the importance of visiting the doctor for regular checkups, many people wait too long to see the dentist. However, this can lead to a whole host of health problems—not only involving your teeth and gums.

Here at Catlin Dental Group, we’re happy to provide top-of-the-linedental checkups in Fort Myers, FL. Using special tools and our expertise, we’ll thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, neck, and jawbone to look for any signs of concern. If we find something, we’ll talk to you about your treatment options. Call us today to get started!

In this post, we’ll explain why routine dental checkups are important.

Detailed Cleaning Process

While brushing and flossing are excellent ways to keep plaque and tartar at bay, there is still some left behind. Over time, this can begin to accumulate, leading to an excessive buildup of bacteria. Unfortunately, cavities and other dental issues can be the result. This is one of the leading reasons why routine checkups are important! During these office visits, your dentist will provide a detailed cleaning process to wipe away plaque and bacteria. This keeps your teeth fresh and healthy!

Prevents Serious Dental Issues

If you avoid the dentist for regular checkups, your dental health will be at risk. Waiting too long increases the chance of experiencing serious dental concerns. In fact, as dental problems don’t always cause symptoms, you may have no idea that there’s an issue. Your dentist can not only detect these problems, but they can also provide the right treatment for your needs.

Schedule Your Next Checkup Today!

Routine dental checkups are vital for your overall health. Make sure to visit your dentist once every six months to keep your dental health in check. Call us today to make an appointment with our experienceddentist in Fort Myers, FL!